Alaska's First Level 50.
And double Quinceañera DJ.

I Want a Pin Lucky Friends

Explore your world

Hey! I'm MegaSisqo, a trainer from Alaska striving to hopscotch all over the world. And trying to catch 'em all while I'm at it. Resident DJ at The Blue Fox, and the occasional quinceañera. Hit me up at info at for bookings! Weddings, corporate parties, private parties, or private Pokemon parties. I got you.

Pokemon Go-ing

All Day Err Day

Never miss a streak! Seriously, I can't remember the last time I missed a catch streak. Can't say much for the spin streak though, it's a different world right now.


Let's Raid!

Seriously, let's raid. I looove going for meta relevant Pokemon, but shinies are nice. When I say meta relevant, it means Metapod. Also, yes to gym points! Haven't been to a real gym since March. Raiding helps with this sadness.

Bess Team

100% Instinct

Go meme team! Proud single account player since 2016. The meme-iest people I know are Instinct, but it's fun playing with anybody, no matter the team. Some graduated from Pokemon Go friends to real friends.

Look Back At It

Look Back At It

When the servers go down, so will our Pokémon - our collection, our progress on gold gyms go POOF. But the real treasure are the memories and friends we made along the way. I'll enjoy it until that day.

How to play

Pokémon GO app on iPhone

Walk somewhere and click a Pokémon. Pop lock and then drop it.


Throw the ball. Bonus if you can curve it. Berries? For gyms.


Watch it flee, especially if it's shiny. Cry and repeat. Insert Pokécoins.

App Store Button Play Store Button

Events Attended


Yokosuka Safari Zone 2018

200k+ trainers
Lots of Tropius

Sentosa Safari Zone 2019

95k+ trainers
Lots of bug bites

GO Fest Chicago 2019

60k+ trainers
Food poisoning

Yokohama GO Fest 2019

150k+ trainers
Death by humidity

He's kind of okay, I guess

I was at one of his Quinceañera parties and I wanted to be impressed. It's hard to be when all he played was 27 remixes of MMMBop. Where did he get those anyway?
I send him memes! Most of the time, they go well. Other times? It’s like when you touch your Pokéball and it just drops. He did make a super cool catch at a softball game once.
He scared me when I first met him. How is someone so excited to see someone they’ve just seen in a Pokémon gym? I gave him a chance and now we hike and frisbee golf. More than just a butt.

Represent Alaska Today

I've decided to make one last batch of Alaskan Level 40 pins! When they're gone, they're gone. Products will be shipped within 24 hours of placing your order.All orders will be a flat $5.00 for shipping, and if you have any questions, you can contact me at info at Get your pin and/or patch today!

Pins & Patches

$15 / pin

Or $10 per patch

  • Look More Alaskan
  • Flex So Hard
  • Butterfly clutch back on pin
  • Iron-on patch
Pin and/or Patch


$10 / mask

Extremely limited

  • 100% Cotton
  • 3-Ply Fabric
  • Washable & reusable
  • Adult Size Only

View Cart


$5 flat shipping!

  • Last run of L40 Pins!
  • When they're gone
  • They're gone
  • Order Now!

Feeling Lucky, Friends?

I'm glad we've moved on to a new year, for real. I want to give a mega thanks to the trainers who have Jackbox Zoomed with me to keep the spirits up, and for the socially distant walks on community day. I can't wait to do more Pokémon GO tours!

Here's a shiny lucky mega evolved thank you to a special you-know-who for hosting me for months when my income well was dry. Still is, but hanging out was priceless.  

LUCKY FRIENDS! If you don't have a way to get a hold of me, please scroll to the very bottom. At the bottom, where the good things are, I have placed links to my various social networks. Pick one at your mercy, and we'll work it out after the pandemic.





be excellent